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70th Anniversary

The 29th Dublin Scout Group will be celebrating out 70th Anniversary on Saturday the 29th of May and we would like everyone to join us! The celebration will be taking place at the scout den between 2pm and 4pm, all scouts and their friends and families are welcome.

On the day we will have a campsite set up to show everyone what we get up to when we go away on camp. There will be some food be cooked on the fire for anyone who is in the mood for a burger or a sausage. Some may even be lucky enough to get the chance to make a smore by roasting marshmallows over the fire. There will also be some games for people to try their hands at and lots lots more.

Inside we will also have a presentation of photographs and memories from the last 70 years. At about 2.30pm we will then gather together inside the hall where you will be able to hear about what the group have been doing for the last 70 years and how we got to where we are today.

In preparation for this day all scouts will be receiving a commemorative kneckerchief this week. The scouts can then wear these with their uniform on the day and for the next year.

Hopefully this will be a day to remember and their will be lots of people their to celebrate this occasion with us!

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