Posts Tagged ‘Troop 740’
Great Leprechaun Chase Parent’s Meeting
December 5th, 2012
Last night, Tuesday 4th December, we had our parents meeting about annual camp 2013: The Great Leprechaun Chase. The camp is being held in Ireland and will be first the group annual camp 29th Dublin has run since Boston in 2001. Our friends in Windsor, Canada and Garden City, Michigan, USA are coming to visit us. These are the same groups our scouts stayed with last year on the MIC2012 trip.
For the more details see the presentation slides about camp made on the night.
If you want to get involved in hosting our visitors; fundraising; or logistics; come down to your nightly meeting and tell your section leader.
The hope is that with fundraising the camp fee will come down.
Deposits should be in no later than Tuesday 11th December.
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