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AIB Better Ireland Programme

We won! We won! We won!

Just in case anyone hasn’t heard yet, we won €5000 in the AIB Better Ireland Programme, we had more than 1000 more votes than the other two groups.

Thank you to all those who voted, it was well worth the effort.

Posted in Fundraising, Group | 1 Comment »

AIB Better Ireland Program

Hi all
We, 29th Dublin Blackrock Scouts, have been short listed for the above program. We are in line for one of three prizes – €2,000, €3,000 or €5,000. We are short listed with two other groups and the group with the most votes gets the most money, that simple. See below for voting details. See www.betterireland for more details.

To Vote by Text:
Text BLACKROCK followed by space, followed by A to 51303 (Standard SMS rates Apply)

To Vote by Email:
Click on Select VOTE ONLINE to the right, under FIND AIB BRANCH Couty – select Dublin and under Branch – select BLACKROCK branch and choose our group by clicking circle beside A – 29th Dublin Blackrock Scout Group enter email address and click submit.

You can vote as many times as you wish by text (don’t forget to get bill payers permission), I am setting up my 300 webtext with delays everyday, and you can make a web vote once every 24 hours with an email address. If any one else is participating let me know and I will add you to my voting list. Voting open 15 Feb 2010 to 15 Mar 2010. Details will be on our website soon,

We have 5 mobile numbers in our house, between personal and work phones, and I will set up voting on them this evening. As far as I know we have 300 webtext a month on each number and I will set up a delayed sending of one going every couple of hours. If anyone else need help in setting this up we can help them. Likewise I have several email addresses I can use cast votes so if I do it at a set time each day it will register. Email me on hugh[AT] if you need help.

Posted in Fundraising, Group | 3 Comments »