Breakfast today was basically Sausage Mc Muffins, it was tasty although Conor B may have taken it a step too far when he attempted to eat one with 15 sausage patties in it.

This morning we had Service to Northwoods, this involved trying to remove invasive species from the woods around the camping grounds. What actually happened instead was that it rained and rained and rained despite the weather forecast of a clear and dry day. We even had a few injuries, one of the Americans Anthony got a pretty nasty thorn in his thumb, but Scouter Chris did manage to get it out eventually. After a quick lunch the guys were ready for shooting sports 2, which involved Archery, Paintball guns, and Air Rifles. Unfortunately the paintball was cancelled because it was too wet.

During the afternoon open programme session most of the guys went back to shooting sports and some even won prizes like MIC 2012 pen knives and carabiners. After dnner the programme areas were open again and fortunately the rain had finally stopped. Some went to patch trading in the dining hall, but most simply went to mingle with the other scouts from other campsites.

We then visited the Huron campsite for a campfire. This was a lot of fun and they even served us some “puppy chow” which is kind of like Chex cereal covered in Peanut butter and Icing sugar. It doesn’t sound great but it was actually really good.